Tuesday, August 7, 2012

SLT Usage Meter

[This does not work now. Please refer this post, it has browser plugins which do the same thing.]

Application Download Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?5ndfsq7ytz92zu4

One of my colleagues was checking his ADSL usage via the SLT's usage meter found on their website. But it was a lengthy process and practically not worth logging in every time just to see how much he has utilized from his quota. So he requested me to write a windows application to automate it.

I tried to develop it during a weekend and when I was inspecting the http traffic through Fiddler, I found that although the web users have to login to view their usage, the actual page which shows the usage is not checking any user session. That means if we can directly post data to the usage page, we can get the results without providing credentials. The creepiest thing is even we can check other people's usage if we know their usernames! Way to go SLT!

Here you can download the application. It has a really simple interface. You will have to enter your username at start and it will be saved in the registry. The application runs in the system tray and when you click the icon, it will notify you of the total usage. Check out the screenshots.

If you want this app to be loaded automatically when you start Windows, just copy it to your start-up folder.

Do try out the app and comment if you need any improvements to be added in the later versions. Also comment if there are any bugs. Enjoy!

Application Download Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?5ndfsq7ytz92zu4

PS: I wrote a Google Chrome Extension to do the same thing. Go here if you do not trust running EXEs :)

PPS: I ported it to Firefox as well. Get it here.


  1. can u rebuild this without using .net

    1. Hi Anonymous, this application is written in C# so it anyway needs .NET. But now I have compiled it to use .NET v2.0. Please re-download and try. I have updated the download links.

  2. machan apata barida SLT Usage Meter eka reset karanna ............
    entree pakg eka unlimited karaganna wage bariweida atha kota??????????????/

    1. Hi Anonymous, eka karanna ba machan. Me program eken karanne unge data read karana eka witharai :)

    2. oyata barida ayala api use karana usege pramanaya danaganna eka block karanna.mama dns waraga godak maru karala baluwa eth hari giye na mcn.

      facebook id eka dennako oyage-sl.softman@gmail.com

  3. unlimited password 1k entree package 1n gahala giyoth mokada wenne???

  4. Great work! lets hope they don't block that security loophole:)

    1. Thanks buddy, and yeah let's keep our fingers crossed :)

  5. itz not wrking machan. says "sumthing went wrong" dunno whether itz case sensetive, coz ma username begins with a simple letter..

    1. Hi Anonymous, username is not case sensitive, so all caps should work. It has to be in the format - first the code then the phone number. (Ex: KDL2823623)

  6. hey thanx alot for your research and hard work mate...!! keep it up. proud to call you a sri lankan bro.

    1. thanks inuka :) good to see you liked it. cheers bro.

  7. To Ε Γ И І И О
    hi! can I hide my internet usage by using DNS and bypass 25gb usage limit in web family package? please let me know. my email - navindamc@hotmail.com

  8. How to get rid of this foolish fox slt. I downloaded 3 GB data and I still have the rest of the capacity, 7GB. But, after downloading such capacity how the connection becomes slow. It is puzzle to me. I cannot log in to the usage meter. I reported this issue for several times. But, this fox slt is not responding to me. I missed my assignment works because of this fucking fox slt. I hate slt, I hate representatives in slt. But I love my motherland.

    1. Calm down :) This utility program does not work anymore. Well atleast since SLT has changed their login system. You can use either of the browser plug-ins which I have mentioned at the bottom of the post.


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